North Hills Amatuer Radio Club

The Greater Pittsburgh Area's First D-STAR Repeater
Membership Forms

The success of the our repeaters depends on your financial support. Having your support has allowed us to add the D-STAR repeater to our collection of FM repeaters. It is our hope to continue to expand the existing D-STAR repeater into a repeater system by adding other bands. We can only do this with your financial backing.

The Repeater Association is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation and is not funded by the NHARC. This is by design and is mandated by the Club's By-Laws. This is why we seek support from sources, such as yourself, and not from the Club. Your donations and purchase of tickets for our annual HT raffle are important. The Repeater Association Membership Form and the NHARC Membership forms are here for your convience.

Corporate sponsors are also very important to the success of our repeaters. We would like to thank:

WPXI TV for tower space.
WQED TV for tower space.
aspStation, Inc. for a Cisco router and Internet access for the D-STAR Gateway.

Repeater Association Membership Form

Name: ________________________________________________    Call Sign: _______________

Address:  _______________________________________________________________________

Post Office: ________________________________  State:  _______      Zip + 4  ______________

Phone: (home) ____________________________(work) _________________________________

License Class ________  E-Mail: ___________________________________________________

I am enclosing a donation of $ _______  to help defray the costs of operation and maintenance of the repeaters. Donations of $20.00 or more include auto-patch privileges on the 146.88 and 147.09 repeaters. New repeater members must include a copy of their current amateur license. Make your check payable to: Repeater Association and mail it and this form to the Repeater Association treasurer;

William E. Kristoff, Jr. N3BPB
205 Twin Oak Dr.
Wexford, PA 15090-8635

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

North Hill's Amateur Radio Club Membership Form

Name: ________________________________________  Call Sign: _____________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Post Office: __________________________ State: ______  Zip + 4 _________

Phone: (home) ___________________________  (work) _________________________________

License Class:  ______  ARRL Member: Y/N ______  E-Mail: _______________________________

Club dues are $25.00 per year. Make check payable to the North Hills Amateur Radio Club and mail your check and this form with a SASE to:

Club Treasurer
PO Box 15333
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

or bring your dues to the next Club meeting.